Salve Active Care

How To Clean Using Salve Active Care Disinfectant Sprays

A disinfectant spray is used to disinfectant, deodorize and sanitize household surfaces.
It is widely used on kitchens and bathrooms and can be sprayed on surfaces such as countertops, toilet seats, sinks, door knobs. etc. Chemicals are used to fight germs, bacteria and other unwanted particles and it has grown to become a household essential especially considering our situation with currently managing a global

In order to ensure the best results, cleaning and disinfecting must go hand-in-hand.

  1. Clean your surface by removing any dust or debris on the area using soap and water and a cleaning towel.
  2. Then, apply Salve Active Care Disinfectant Spray to the surface being cleaned and let it sit for as long as the directions indicate.
  3. After sitting, wipe the surface down with a paper towel or cleaning cloth. Focus on surfaces in high-traffic areas which include your desks, furniture, and countertops.

    Salve Disinfectant Sprays are effective at killing over 99.9% of germs and bacteria.

    Salve…For Life

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