Salve Active Care

Where Do Germs Hide?

Here are the top places you should disinfect as often as possible or clean before touching!

  • Your smartphone is one of the main germ carriers and it’s something that you use and touch daily. Not cleaning your device regularly can result in growing bacteria which can ultimately spread as this device is in contact with your ear, face and lips!
  • The television remote control must also be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis as everyone in your household makes direct contact with it. Additionally, a lot of persons eat while they watch television so you unconsciously transfer bacteria to your mouth making you susceptible to illnesses.
  • Keyboards and laptops are third on the list of germ and bacteria carriers. It is extremely important to sanitize your keyboards and devices as well as your desk to prevent the spread of illness-causing germs and bacteria.
  • Money can hold fecal bacteria, mold and yeast so it is important that you wash your hands after coming into contact with money and avoid touching areas like your eyes or face when you do.
  • Purses/ Handbags surprisingly fall into this list of transferring germs. You usually carry these everywhere- bathrooms, public spaces, restaurants etc. so you should clean and disinfect these accessories as often as you can.
  • ATM machines also fall into the category of germ-carriers. Think about how many people make direct contact with your nearest ATM to understand how dirty those machines are. Wash your hands soon after using it to prevent contamination.

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