Salve Active Care

Global Handwashing Day 2022

October 15th marks Global Handwashing Day! This is a day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing. The theme for the campaign this year is ‘Unite for Universal Hygiene’ and it encourages governments, donors, businesses, institutions, researchers and advocates to contribute to participate in this event in their respective fields. Governments have the opportunity to focus their hygiene efforts through policy making and implementation. Donors can do their part by promoting behavior change and investing in hygiene sensitive programs. Businesses are encouraged to support affordable, accessible and desirable hygiene solutions. Institutions can prioritize hand-hygiene infrastructures. Researchers can fill in evidence gaps in hand hygiene. And lastly, advocates can raise widespread awareness on hand hygiene.

Interested in being a part? Getting involved is easy! Hand hygiene is fundamental to reducing the spread of bacteria and infectious diseases and affects us in every area of our lives. In any environment we’re in, whether it’s the office, at school on site or even on public transportation, we all have a part to play in protecting our own health and safety as well as that of our loved ones! Ideas you can consider are: planning an event or campaign, sharing your work on social media or even joining us on Global Handwashing Day by registering via the following link:

To learn more about the push to Unite for Universal Hygiene, what you can do and the tools at your disposal to contribute healthy hand hygiene, download the handbook here.

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