Salve Active Care

30 Ways to Sanitize and Disinfect While Outdoors

Sanitising and disinfecting while outdoors is important because it can help reduce the spread of germs and viruses. By regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that many people touch, such as handrails, door handles, and park benches, you can help prevent the spread of illnesses like colds, the flu, and other more serious illnesses. Additionally, sanitising your hands regularly while outdoors can also reduce your own chance of getting sick.

  1. Bring along disinfectant wipes and use them to clean frequently touched surfaces before and after use, such as picnic tables, bathroom surfaces, and door handles.
  2. Wear rubber gloves when using public restrooms and dispose of them properly after use.
  3. Use hand sanitiser regularly, especially after touching an object or surface that may have been exposed to germs.
  4. Avoid touching your face while outdoors.
  5. Disinfect your phone and other electronic devices regularly.
  6. Bring your own food and drinks to avoid sharing utensils and food with others.
  7. Bring your own camping gear and avoid sharing items such as tents and sleeping bags.
  8. Bring a few extra plastic bags for disposing of any waste.
  9. If you go swimming, shower immediately afterwards and wash your swimsuit in hot water.
  10. Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
  11. Disinfect hard surfaces such as picnic tables, benches and playground equipment before and after use.
  12. Wear disposable gloves when handling objects that have been touched by others.
  13. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol content after coming in contact with surfaces or people.
  14. Use disposable wipes to wipe down shopping carts, strollers and other objects that may have been handled by others.
  15. Clean your hands regularly with soap and water, or alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
  16. Wear a face mask when in close contact with others.
  17. Avoid touching your face, mouth or eyes with your hands.
  18. Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  19. Regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and light switches.
  20. Bring your own sanitizing products, such as hand sanitiser, wipes and sanitizing spray.
  21. Avoid sharing items such as toys and equipment with others.
  22. Try to keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people.
  23. Carry a personal trash bag and dispose of used wipes and tissues safely.
  24. Wash items such as clothes, towels and bed linen regularly.
  25. Clean and sanitize outdoor furniture, such as sun loungers, chairs and tables.
  26. Discard items such as cans and bottles in designated bins.
  27. Disinfect outdoor toys and equipment such as balls and frisbees.
  28. Cover cuts, scrapes and sores with a waterproof bandage.
  29. Disinfect your phone and other electronic devices regularly.
  30. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser when returning indoors.

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