Salve Active Care

How To Ease The Stress Of Christmas Cleaning?

So the Christmas Season is quickly approaching and we know it can get pretty chaotic around the house. Follow these simple tips to ease the stress of Christmas cleaning!

Divide Your Home into Zones

Stop trying to clean the entire house at once! Work on different parts at a time (for eg, kitchen, then bedroom, then dining room etc.) as this will allow you to stay more focussed and organized when cleaning. Do not move on to another area until the previous area is complete!

Map Out A Schedule

Your schedule can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or even bi-monthly. It simply includes daily and overall cleaning tasks that need to be completed. To make it even more effective, you can write these in check-list form and tick the completed tasks off as you go along. This allows you to monitor your progress and give you a fair idea of what still needs to be done and how long it should take.

Invest in proper products!

There’s plenty of cleaning brands in the market that will make your job easier- Salve Active Care being one of them! With the right products, you can get your cleaning done with ease.


If you live in a home with other people, delegate tasks to other members of the household so that everyone can focus on something specific. It takes the weight off of one person having to handle everything and can cut the cleaning time into more than half!

More Household Cleaning Tips

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