Salve Active Care

Household Cleaning Tips

Helping Our Communities Stay Safe and Clean

Finally! The majority of mask requirements and safe zone restrictions have been lifted! But does this mean that we should immediately disregard everything we’ve been doing for the past two years and dive back into our unhealthy habits? The answer is no. When going out in public amongst


Where Do Germs Hide?

Here are the top places you should disinfect as often as possible or clean before touching! Your smartphone is one of the main germ carriers and it’s something that you use and touch daily. Not cleaning your device regularly can result in growing bacteria which can ultimately spread


The Right Way To Use Disinfectants

Disinfecting your home regularly not only prevents the spread of illness-causing germs and bacteria, but it also improves your home odor! All surfaces in your home should be cleaned and sanitized for your health and safety. Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting can be done separately, but fortunately, our Salve


Ways in Which Cleaning Alleviates Stress

We know how it can be…after long stressful days of dealing with the world, coming home to clean out your house is the last thing most of us want to do. As a matter of fact, 90% of people see cleaning as a painful chore and not as


Mental Health and Cleaning

Feeling anxious  and stressed out is never a good feeling. Sometimes a clean and organized home can do wonders. This blog takes a look at the impact of cleaning on mental health and how it can be incorporated into your life. Clutter can contribute to depression. A study


How To Clean Using Salve Active Care Disinfectant Sprays

A disinfectant spray is used to disinfectant, deodorize and sanitize household surfaces.It is widely used on kitchens and bathrooms and can be sprayed on surfaces such as countertops, toilet seats, sinks, door knobs. etc. Chemicals are used to fight germs, bacteria and other unwanted particles and it has


The Benefits of Using Salve Active Care Foaming Hand Wash

Foaming hand washes are diluted versions of liquid soap infused with air to create the foamy and rich lather that leaves the dispenser. Foaming hand washes have a number of benefits which we will explore below! They’re environmentally friendly! Since foaming hand washes are a diluted form of