Salve Active Care

Ways in Which Cleaning Alleviates Stress

We know how it can be…after long stressful days of dealing with the world, coming home to clean out your house is the last thing most of us want to do. As a matter of fact, 90% of people see cleaning as a painful chore and not as something stress-relieving. In this blog, we chat a little bit about how cleaning can alleviate stress and actually calm you down.

Firstly, cleaning provides relief from clutter. Being in a cluttered and dirty environment can increase your anxiety levels and decrease your ability to focus or sleep well. Decluttering your space can improve your sleep, boost your productivity and creativity and as a result cause you to be less on-edge and irritable.

Secondly, cleaning should be seen as a mindful task. See it as a way in which you can express gratitude for the things you have. The next time you wash dishes, be grateful that you were able to have something to eat in them. By thinking like this while cleaning, you can find some extra appreciation in simple tasks and even develop inner peace through your new level of gratitude.

Thirdly, cleaning can be used as meditation. The act of cleaning can be used as a stress management technique when mindfulness is incorporated into the process.

Finally, you can use cleaning as a form of exercise and this is also useful for relieving stress and releasing endorphins to boost your mood!

More Household Cleaning Tips

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